A800 mechine

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The A800 machine! That’s a classic.

The A800 was a popular 8-inch floppy disk drive and personal computer combination, produced by IBM in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It was known for its compact size, high performance, and reliability.

Some of the key features of the A800 machine include:

  • 8-inch floppy disk drive: The A800 used 8-inch floppy disks, which were larger and had more storage capacity than the smaller 5.25-inch disks used in many other personal computers of the time.
  • CP/M operating system: The A800 ran the CP/M (Control Program for Microcomputers) operating system, which was a popular choice for many early personal computers.
  • 64 KB RAM: The A800 had 64 KB of RAM, which was a significant amount for a personal computer at the time.
  • 16-bit CPU: The A800 used a 16-bit CPU, which allowed it to process data more quickly and efficiently than older 8-bit CPUs.
  • Graphics and sound: The A800 had basic graphics and sound capabilities, with the ability to display text and simple graphics on a CRT monitor.

The A800 was popular among hobbyists and small businesses, as it offered a balance of performance, storage capacity, and price. It was also widely used in education, as it provided a powerful and flexible platform for teaching programming and computing concepts.

Do you have any memories or experiences with the A800 machine?


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