linux 解释脚本作用 groups $USER | grep -qv “sudo”

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A nice Linux script! 😊

Let’s break down the script and explain what each part does:

groups $USER

  • groups is a command that displays the groups a user belongs to.
  • $USER is an environment variable that represents the current user’s username.
  • So, groups $USER will display the groups that the current user belongs to.


  • The | character is a pipe symbol, which is used to redirect the output of the previous command to the next command.

grep -qv "sudo"

  • grep is a command that searches for a pattern in one or more files.
  • -q option tells grep to be quiet, i.e., not to print anything to the console.
  • -v option tells grep to invert the match, i.e., to print only the lines that do not match the pattern.
  • "sudo" is the pattern to search for.

So, grep -qv "sudo" will search for the string “sudo” in the output of the previous command (groups $USER) and print only the lines that do not contain the string “sudo”.

Putting it all together

The entire script groups $USER | grep -qv "sudo" can be read as:

“Display the groups that the current user belongs to, and check if the group ‘udo’ is not among them.”

In other words, this script checks if the current user is not a member of the ‘udo’ group.

Here’s an example output:

  • If the user is not a member of the ‘udo’ group, the script will output nothing (because grep will not find any lines containing “sudo”).
  • If the user is a member of the ‘udo’ group, the script will output the groups that the user belongs to, excluding the ‘udo’ group.

This script can be useful in various scenarios, such as:

  • Checking if a user has sudo privileges.
  • Verifying if a user is a member of a specific group.
  • Creating conditional statements in scripts based on group membership.


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