脚本解释:loginctl enable-linger $(whoami)

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脚本解释:loginctl enable-linger $(whoami)

Let’s break down what this script does:

loginctl: This is a command-line utility that controls the systemd login manager. It’s used to manage user sessions, seats, and other login-related functionality.

enable-linger: This is an option for loginctl that enables lingering for a specific user. Linger means that the user’s systemd user instance will remain active even after the user logs out. This allows the user to continue running system services and timers in the background, even when they’re not actively logged in.

$(whoami): This is a command substitution that runs the whoami command and captures its output. whoami simply prints the username of the current user. So, $(whoami) will expand to the current username, e.g., “john” or “alice”.

Putting it all together, the script:

loginctl enable-linger $(whoami)

Enables lingering for the current user, allowing their systemd user instance to remain active even after they log out. This can be useful for running background services or timers that need to continue running even when the user is not actively logged in.


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